Sunday, August 28, 2011

More charms, magnets, and a hair clip!

I'm a busy bee on my days off, as I'm sure some of you can tell. 

Before my trip to British Columbia, I had made these charms for myself:
Sailor Mercury
Terra (FF6/Dissidia)
As well, I made some more charms before work one day:
Finished up Wolverine with some paint and glaze.
Happy pop tarts! <3 Blueberry, S'mores, and Wild Berry!
NES controller.
Pedo bear.
I had a lot of requests for more Zelda charms (everybody loves the triforce), so after making so many triforces, I made a little Link charm:
...And out of personal interest, I made myself a Yoshi... because everyone loves Yoshi, right?!
I also turned some of my Perler creations into magnets...
And made a new creation and turned it into a hair clip!
Inspired by the recent loss of a friend I went to high school with, I also made this charm: a mended heart:

Busy bee, I tell you... And now it's time to work for the weekend. =(

1 comment:

  1. These are adorable! I especially love the Poptart charms.

    Do you do Artist Alleys or craft fairs? If you don't, then you totally should; convention-goers would love these!
